Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Spesifikasi & Harga iPad

CALIFORNIA - Apple akhirnya secara resmi mengumumkan produk terbarunya berupa tablet, yang diberi nama iPad. Ini menjawab teka-teki yang selama ini dinantikan banyak penggemar Apple mengenai produk terbaru tersebut. Lalu, seperti apa spesifikasi dari iPad ini?

Dilansir melalui Engadget, Kamis (27/1/2010), menurut CEO Apple Steve Jobs, iPad merupakan generasi ketiga dari computing yang merupakan perpaduan antara iPhone yang ringkas namun mempunyai kemampuan seperti laptop. Tengok saja layar yang diusung dengan ukuran mencapai 9,7 inchi termasuk teknologi layar sentuh, sehingga membuat perangkat ini membuat tipis dan bobotnya yang ringan mencapai 1,5 pound.

Untuk isian yang digunakan, produsen yang berbasis di California tersebut sudah menanamkan beberapa teknologi yang canggih, seperti otak chip baru berupa A4 1Ghz serta kapasitas ruangan yang mencapai 16GB dan 64GB, sangat luas untuk alat portabel ringkas. Layar sentuhnya pun dipastikan sudah mengadopsi multi-touch.

Teknologi High Definition di Ponsel

LONDON - Teknologhi High Definition (HD) selama ini dikenal memiliki fungsi menajamkan tampilan gambar pada layar televisi. Ternyata bukan itu saja fungsi teknologi HD. Teknologi tersebut bisa pula ditanamkan pada ponsel untuk mendapatkan kualitas suara telepon yang lebih jernih.

Jika sudah diterapkan, teknologi ini menjanjikan para pengguna ponsel bisa melakukan panggilan ke luar dan menerima panggilan berkualitas HD. Mereka bisa menelepon dan mendengar suara dengan jernih tanpa harus berteriak-teriak, sekalipun mereka tengah berada di keramaian atau sedang dalam perjalanan di kereta api misalnya.

Telegraph, Senin (1/2/2010) melansir, agar teknologi ini bisa bekerja, ponsel milik si penelepon maupun si penerima panggilan harus sudah terinstal peranti lunak khusus teknologi ini. Selain itu, perusahaan mobile phone perlu mengupgrade jaringan mereka.

iPad Lebih Unggul dari e-Book Reader Lainnya

Toko buku elektronik yang dilahirkan Apple untuk iPad, bisa menjadi ancaman bagi Amazon dengan Kindle-nya. Bukan hanya itu, ia juga mengancam piranti pembaca buku elektronik (e-reader) lainnya.

Apple memang memposisikan iPad sebagai, salah satunya, pembaca buku digital. Untuk itu perusahaan yang dikomandani Steve Jobs ini telah mengumumkan aplikasi buku elektronik bernama iBooks.

Sebanyak lima penerbit telah setuju untuk memperkaya perpustakaan iBooks lewat toko online bernama iBookstore. Mereka adalah Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin dan Simon and Schuster.
Keberadaan iBooks disinyalir bisa jadi ancaman bagi Kindle, perangkat pembaca e-book dari Amazon. Ini karena ada beberapa keunggulan dari iBooks dibandingkan buku-buku Kindle.

Hacker China Bobol Google Lewat Situs Jejaring Sosial

Perseteruan Google dengan pemerintah China hingga sekarang masih terus menghangat. Google sebelumnya mengancam untuk hengkang dari China setelah sejumlah hacker menyerang para pemilik akun gmail. Bagaimana cara hacker untuk menyusup ke akun Gmail dan menyebarkan malware di situs mesin pencari tersebut.

Financial Times melaporkan, para hacker mengawali aksinya dengan mencari alamat instant messaging (IM) para karyawan Google di china melalui situs jejaring sosial.

Orang yang diduga melakukan penyerangan ke Google dan sejumlah perusahaan kemudian meminta untuk menjadi 'teman' para karyawan Google. Ketika mereka telah menjalin pertemenan itulah, para hacker mengirimkan link yang berisi malware kepada para karyawan. Dengan demikian, malware akan menyebar begitu karyawn Google meng-klik link tersebut.

Goojje <> google

Negara China selama ini memang mahir soal meniru produk-produk global, yang kemudian dijual sebagai produk Aspal (Asli tapi Palsu). Baru-baru ini, negara tersebut juga menirukan mesin pencari Google.

Mesin pencari bernama Goojje itu, tidak hanya mirip dalam hal penggunaan nama. Akan tetapi juga dalam jenis layanan, dan tampilan. Bahkan, konten di dalam Gojje juga sangat mirip dengan Google. Ternyata, dalam bahasa Mandarin sendiri, akhiran kata 'jje' mempunyai arti kakak perempuan. Sedangkan Google, yang berakhiran kata 'gege' mempunyai makna sebagai kakak laki-laki.

Kendati mesin pencari Goojje merupakan layanan buatan asli negeri Tirai Bambu, bukan berarti mereka diberi kebijakan yang istimewa. Sebab, konten di dalam Goojje juga mendapat sensor ketat dari pemerintah. Tidak seperti 'saudaranya, Google, mesin pencari Goojje sangat mematuhi aturan tersebut.

Hacker berhasil mengerjai 49 Situs Anggota DPR Amerika

Pidato kenegaraan pertama Presiden Barack Obama di depan Parlemen AS disambut serangan hacker ke sejumlah website anggota parlemen. Sebanyak 49 website milik anggota DPR AS (House of Representative) dikerjai hacker tak lama setelah pidato Obama disampaikan Rabu (27/1/2010) pekan lalu.

Halaman muka website-website itu tiba-tiba berubah menjadi latar belakang putih dan hanya menampilkan satu baris tulisan yang mengecam Barack Obama. Tulisan yang ditinggalkan juga menyebut mereka dengan nama Red Eye Crew, kelompok hacker yang sudah terkenal dari Brazil.

Menurut laporan yang dilansir PC Magazine, website-website yang diserang semuanya dikelola GovTrends. Peristiwa penyerangan yang disebut deface (pengubahan wajah) seperti ini pernah dialami situs GovTrends pada Agustus 2009 lalu.

Atas serangan tersebut, Ketua DPR AS Nancy Pelosi dan Ketua Partai Republik John Boehner meminta pengusutan tuntas bagaimana serangan tersebut bisa terjadi. Sebagai catatan, dalam kasus tersebut, anggota DPR pemilik website memang tidak pernah mengubah password yang diberikan admin sejak awal.

DPR AS juga menyalahkan GovTrends atas insiden ini. Sebab, menurut laporan awal DPR AS, serangan tersebut di website yang dikelola perusahaan yang sebelumnya memiliki kelemahan dalam hal keamanan. Apakah ini juga harus menjadi pelajaran bagi DPR AS untuk memilih vendor yang handal? (kompas)

Windows 8 muncul?

Seorang yang diduga merupakan mantan karyawan Microsoft Corp. dilaporkan telah menyebarkan dokumen yang tampaknya mengandung informasi seputar kepastian tanggal peluncuran sistem operasi Windows 8.

Menurut dokumen tersebut, Microsoft berencana untuk meluncurkan sistem operasi terbaru itu di pertengahan tahun depan.

Chris Green yang diduga adalah mantan pengembang software di Microsoft telah menyebarkan dokumen yang disebut “Estimated Product Support Life Cycles” di blog Microsoft.

Pada dokumen tersebut terkuak jadwal dukungan produk dan tanggal peluncuran produk untuk belasan produk software Microsoft. Meski dokumen tersebut segera dihapus dari blog, akan tetapi sejumlah pengunjung sempat menyimpannya dan memajangnya di berbagai situs di Internet.

Pada dokumen itu disebutkan bahwa Microsoft berencana untuk meluncurkan Windows 8 pada 1 Juli 2011. Tak sampai dua tahun setelah Windows 7 hadir di pasaran.

Meski keabsahan dokumen itu belum bisa dipastikan, tetapi seluruh tanggal seputar peluncuran produk di dokumen tersebut tampaknya tepat. Bila demikian, diperkirakan Microsoft akan menghadirkan update terhadap sistem operasi barunya sekitar satu tahun lebih cepat.

Sebelum ini, Microsoft menghadirkan sistem operasi desktop mereka setiap dua sampai tiga tahun. Misalnya pada Windows 95, 98, ME, dan XP. Akan tetapi, Windows Vista hadir lima tahun setelah XP karena satu dan lain hal. Hadirnya Windows 7 sekitar tiga tahun setelah Vista membuat Microsoft kembali ke jalan yang benar, yakni menghadirkan sistem operasi desktop baru tiap dua atau tiga tahun.

Meski demikian, Microsoft belum bersedia mengonfirmasikan seputar tanggal pasti peluncuran Windows 8 tersebut. (XbitLabs/Vivanews)
Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Job Boredom

Job/Activity boredom can be interpreted by as psychological fatigue form of complex experienced of by individual that is representing inconvenience feeling is which always wish avoided by worker of because graceless job/activity activity and monoton. Individual experiencing of job/activity boredom will assess work which elaborating of have graceless again so that arise conflict to look away or remain to run the work. According to Schultz and Schultz (1994) furthermore explain that job/activity boredom can result dispiriting work. Other congeniality laid open by Schultz and Schultz (1994) that boredom work is reaction from job/activity activity having the character of repetitip and graceless.

Schultz And Schultz (1994) telling that work type modestly and this monoton result retreating kognisi and bounce. Officer become to tire of because duty done by very easy and do not claim ability. Kognisi to finish problem and also creative berfikir. Added also the work type easy to and monoton in the reality do not give kindliness of at condition of job/activity of because job/activity activity will generate boredom. Furthermore of Schultz And Schultz lay open (1994) that do not all employees doing/conducting work which repeatedly complain the existence of boredom work. Work which is to someone drag on possible become work drawing to other.
Schultz And Schultz (1994) telling that most relevant factor to analyse boredom work is motivation. Height motivate job/activity had by employees shown ably exercise to be continued to by work long during. If a officer experience of boredom work, hence resilience of his/its job/activity even also lower and the officer unable to do/conduct activity work during old ones. Schultz And Schultz (1994) telling that boredom work to represent a[n form of fatigue experienced of by individual in doing/conducting activity work.
Boredom Marking Work according to Schultz and Schultz (1994), covering 1. Restlessness, that is jumpy feeling, worry or worry to an matter. According to Anoraga ( 1998) someone experiencing of restlessness in general the officer also follow to experience of stress in working 2. Unhappiness, that is feeling tidakbahagia experienced of by employees of when doing/conducting activity work. His/Its meaning is one who feel unhappiness in working to assume his/its work don't have meaning and also do not give satisfaction 3. Fatigue, that is multifarious of situation accompanied by resilience and efficiency degradation in working 4. Less Enthusiastic and Berenergy, that is loss of enthusiasm work effect of condition of environment work disagree with x'self.
Boredom work to represent reaction of complex from job/activity execution having the character of monoton, repeatedly and graceless. Or the feeling less pleasant which cleanse energy, enthusiasm of because nature of monoton felt by more relate to perception by subjektif, fatigue of because feeling bored, ugly psychological condition and also the physical fatigue. Individual experiencing of job/activity boredom will assess work which have been elaborated by have graceless again, so that arise conflict to make a move at more interesting other activity.
Boredom work to represent reaction of complex from job/activity execution having the character of monoton, repeatedly and graceless. Or the feeling less pleasant which cleanse energy, enthusiasm of because nature of monoton felt by more relate to perception by subjektif, fatigue of because feeling bored, ugly psychological condition and also the physical fatigue. Individual experiencing of job/activity boredom will assess work which have been elaborated by have graceless again, so that arise conflict to make a move at more interesting other activity.
Existence of boredom work at officer marked with job/activity boredom symptom which relate at opinion Schultz and Schultz (1994), covering restlessness, unhappiness, fatigue, less enthusiastic and berenergy.

Control Emotion

Control emotion is an ability or effort done/conducted to arrange and anticipate irrational mind and also limit illogical feelings by comprehending and recognizing x'self emotion so that get the whip hand of emotional motivation and can instruct, managing behavior of up at consequence which are positive. Individual able to control his/its emotion is high will make employees konsentrasinya centrally and also can make creative it, productive, do not easy to worry and tense. In artian mount konsentrasinya can be looked after better the employees moment work, while employees owning low emotion control will make employees hinge with others and cannot go forward under own team, lackluster, malas-malasan and also less take a care.
That emotion represent transfer of at something, very pleasant feeling or very bother and the emotion also have type which different each other, consisted of sorrowful, fear, disgusted, sorrowful, surpriseded. And the emotion represent sinyal communications coming from subconscious mind. inseparable Emotion element from social environment, because human being cannot live by xself but live together with others or under own team the human being cannot live. In a state of x'self of and also someone emotion in face of an situation will yield respon which different each other also.
In situation work, many matter enabling to peep out negative emotion like relation/link of interpersonal with other officer and also when feeling disagree with new policy from company. Individual having emotion which are positive will tend to to come up better in face of the situation so that the officer can do/conduct duty and work in an optimal fashion, efficient and effective. The mentioned it is of course will keep away individual of at boredom work.
Control emotion so central in controlling employees in order not to become emotion and do not experience of boredom work, the mentioned can harm company or and also institution the employees. Because will bother his/its patterned thinking to assess others. Otherwise have control of good emotion, hence the employees will experience of degradation motivate in running duty and or his/its work. Control emotion also will make employees work in an optimal fashion, feeling satisfaction in working and can enjoy his/its work with feeling pleasing. Differ from employees which cannot arrange and also control his/its emotion better hence the employees will feel his/its work represent heavy burden which must accounted on every day nya and also will generate disgruntled feeling particularly again will generate to feel saturated, boredom of at rutinitas work, environmental and also relation/link of interpersonal with other employees.
According to Averill formulate 5 aspect control emotion which is later;then used as by a scale making in this research, for example :
a) the Ability control emotion
Ability control emotion is motivation channeling arrangement emotion of arising out from within individual x'self toward the healthy emotion motivation channeling and posif.
b) the Ability control stimulus
Ability face emotion stimulus which is not desired by both for coming in x'self of and also stimulus from outside by preventing, avoiding, discontinuing stimulus ahead of schedule end and limit stimulus intensity.
c) the Ability anticipate an event
Individual ability prevent, avoiding, avoiding an emotion situation or event which is not desired in order not to be brought to situation that continue will the happening of emotion behavior.
d) the Ability interpret an event
Individual ability assess and interpret an emotion situation or situation which may and may not be done/conducted by pursuant to information which got and the values embraced to be adapted for by a norm going into effect society.
e) the Ability take decision
Individual ability chosen a[n action or behavior of pursuant to something that believed or agreed paid attentionly affect from behavior selected.
From clarification of above, seen by that aspect control emotion influence boredom work, so that control emotion in individual x'self will push the individual to work efficiently, attention to work, and also pursue the happening of saturation and fatigue to trigger the happening of boredom work.
Thereby the employees able to control his/its emotion is high will make employees konsentrasinya centrally and also can make creative it, productive, do not easy to worry, strained and do not feel to tire of or saturated in running his/its work. In artian mount konsentrasinya can be looked after better the employees moment work, while employees owning low emotion control will make employees hinge with others, cannot go forward under own team, lackluster, malas-malasan, less take a care and quickly feel saturation or quickly feel to tire of in working.
Laboring employees either in and also institution expected to other company have good emotion and can control and also control his/its emotion better, so that can have emotion control able to assist them in running duty from company and also in face of environment and also his/its relationship. If all human being can control his/its emotion, live this will be balmy, beautiful, and target of human being will is easy to reached continuedly by is positive thingking and also tawakal.

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